Use Case:

Portable BESS

The benefits of a Battery-Enabled Microgrid

  1. Reducing fuel consumptions
  2. Reduce OPEX
  3. Improved Sustainability
  4. Reduce emission and noise pollutions

TPS differentiations

  1. Increase power and energy density
  2. Parallel multiple portable BESSs
  3. Seamless transition with genset
  4. Increased availability and fault tolerance
  5. Easy maintenance and repairability

Case Study:

Comparison between an off-grid system running only genset vs a genset + portable BESS

  Genset Only Genset + BESS Savings
Fuel Utilization 114 79 35
(metric ton/year)
424 280 144
Annual Saving $161,24 $111,523 $49,716
  Genset Only Genset + BESS Savings
Fuel Utilization 114 79 35
(metric ton/year)
424 280 144
Annual Saving $161,24 $111,523 $49,716

Less than 3-5 year payback depending on incentives and load profile.

144 metric CO2 is equivalent to:

  • GHG Emission: Removing 32.1 gasoline-power passenger vehicles per year or Reducing 370,173 mile driven
  • Carbon Sequestered: 2,388 tree seeding grown for 10 years or 172 acres of US forest in one year

TPS Product Offering:
