Use Case:

Charging station DCFC + BESS

Battery-buffered DC Fast Charging stations enable affordable and efficient fast charging bypassing expensive and time-consuming utility upgrades.

EVSE Charge Power (kW)
kWh Battery Pack 22 50 100 180 360
Passenger Car 100 kWh 202 min 89 min 45 min 26 min 13 min
Commercial Vehicles 175 kWh 353 min 155 min 78 min 44 min 22 min
TPS can offer EV charge times under 30mins TPS chargers >180kW
Criteria BESS Utility
Timeline to Deployment Deploy a BESS to meet the DCFC Station’s power needs and leverage distributed energy resources (i.e PV, wind, and etc.) May take several years to pull a new distribution line to meet the power requirement for the DCFC Station.
Cost to Implement Integrating Behind-the-Meter (BTM) BESS with DCFC can significantly reduce total costs. Based on the existing infrastructure, costs can vary from expensive to prohibitive.
Customer Satisfaction The BESS can be sized accordingly to meet both power and energy demand of the DCFC to reduce the amount time at the charging station. Utility maybe only be able to provide a certain amount of power where curtailment may take place often.
Distribution Energy Resources Able to leverage DER (i.e. PV, wind, fuel cell, etc.) for more favorable rate in $/kW and $/kWh as a non-wire alternative.
Revenue The BESS can be programmed to take advantage of “value-stacking” to offer more revenue benefits.
Outage The BESS can ensure electric vehicles are charged even during utility outages.

TPS Product Offering:


TPS Product Offering: